NSA is committed to developing the whole goalkeeper with specific coaching by certified professionals

We work hard to make goalkeepers Technically sound. The fundamentals in footwork, handling, and communication are the building blocks for any goalkeeper learning the position.

We work hard to make goalkeepers Tactically aware. The tactics of goalkeeping is something often missed at the club level. At BVB IA IL we look to improve the goalkeeper’s understanding of their role within a team and how to enhance their team’s development.

We work hard to make goalkeepers Physically strong. The goalkeeper position requires a unique set of physical demands that are different to anything a field player needs. At BVB IA IL we work with goalkeepers to maximize the physical development to make them a complete goalkeeper.

We work hard to make goalkeepers Psychologically sharp. The position of goalkeeper comes with it’s own set of mental demands. We work with goalkeepers to stay mentally sharp in training and games and learn to fight through the psychological demands of the position.

NSA will work closely on the Social aspect of a goalkeepers development, to create a GK with high self-esteem and strong communication skills. Becoming the leader and a positive influence from the back, the goalkeepers should be a calming presence for the team who encompasses the meaning of team-work.

Goalkeeper is a very demanding position, but with it come huge rewards.  The difference between winning and losing can often depend on a game changing save.  By creating a challenging game-like environment we set high expectations for our goalkeepers where they can develop as leaders and be a positive influence for their team.


The Goalkeeper Program will offer but not be limited to:

  • Basic Technical Development (footwork, handling, basic shot stopping, etc.)
  • Advanced Technical Development (cross management advanced shot stopping, breakaways, etc.)
  • Distribution (hands and feet)
  • Communication exercises
  • Tactical Development (team organization, playing with the feet, etc.)
  • Mental Strength training
  • Physical training (strength, power, cardio, health)